Wednesday, August 28, 2013


(What else did you expect?? Florida Rainy day FTW!!!)

I started doing my research again from ZERO between all available tuners. I noticed how after the initial wave of the mythical ECUTek groupbuy, things have changed.

I kept reading and reading so much happy Tony customers. I kept looking at the Dyno charts for his kit, N/A tunes, E85 tunes and other kits tunes. I met him personally at a meet and came away so impressed by the type of individual he is. Humble guy. Down to earth. No BS or Unicorn seller. Just get the job done type of guy.

So I made plans
with @King Tut to have our Dyno day together, as ever since the FL Mega Meet we have been closely working together helping each other out (well mostly him mentoring me but you all get the idea ) and it was only fitting to have our cars finalized same date same time while also helping us understand the difference between two nice FI kits.

Date was set for July 12th. When you first install a FI kit, you believe your car is a rocket, such an improvement over stock. After a few days reality started setting in for me and I started noticing something was not right. When Dyno day arrived I had butterflies in my stomach because ALL along I always feared my engine had something wrong because from the way it felt and how the car ran I KNEW I was not making near the power the AVO kit is capable of.

Lo and behold, It was NOT. Please check the below Dyno Charts:

First, how I got there and how I left:

Secondly, all runs together minus final one.

Run 2: John's E-tune #16, 10.5 PSI
Run 8 FA20CLUB Dyno tune after trying my specific configuration for the first time ever, 10.5 PSI
Run 9 just a bit more tweaking from Toni, same 10.5 PSI
Run 10, second to last run, Boost upped to 12 psi

So after this my hand went a bit overboard and I adjusted the MBC a bit too much. Hit 16 psi , Tony's boost cut saved the day

Two final runs, Red @ 12 psi, Blue @ 14 psi.

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I turned the boost down to 13 psi for street use.

Some notes about this numbers before girls get their panties in a bunch:

I AM HAPPY WITH them and don't care if you are not
As you can see in the Final Graph, day was HAWT.
At the end of the day, I love how my car drives, sounds and performs.
Not only is the power increase amazing over my previous E-tune, but the driveability aspects of it are like having a completely different car.
Knock is GONE
The motor runs SMOOTH as butter, before it was very rough
I can actually cruise, before there was no middle ground. Either it built boost even if you did not intend it to, or you were going painfully slow.

The ONLY issue left to correct is the SIR 500cc injector scaling. Hopefully it gets working properly soon. Not a huge deal, as the car starts every time, just rough when its already hot.
written by Sportsguy83 via

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